AI Leaders Collaborate for Brazil’s Climate Resilience

As severe floods impact Brazil, leading AI companies join forces to invest in supporting global communities, using Data and AI technologies to help cities and governments prepare for climate-related risks and infrastructure resilience. The AI climate coalition is building models to deal with extreme weather conditions globally.

AI/R, a global leading technology company specializing in Data, AI, and Gen AI services, has announced a plan to dedicate resources on pro-bono programs for the next several years, aimed at harnessing the power of AI, data analytics. The program is a joint effort with global tech partners as AWS, and Brazilian leading IT services companies and universities aligned with the +praTi digital talent program, to apply the power of AI to address the severe floods’ impact in the South American country.  

The initiative seeks a global scope as the efforts will expand and scale to address communities affected by climate change throughout the world. For the last ten days, widespread flooding has overrun the infrastructure of 400 cities in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, including Porto Alegre, its capital.  

“The recent events in Brazil serve as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities we face due to climate change,” said AI/R Global CEO and Compass UOL cofounder Alexis Rockenbach, a Porto Alegre native. “While dealing with the immediate priority of saving lives, we also need to look into the future and use AI technologies to accelerate our severe weather readiness in a profound way.” 

In addition to offering support and investments, the new AI climate coalition is using AI technologies to better prepare cities and governments to deal with climate-related risks and infrastructure resilience.  

To kick start the new initiative, Rockenbach has pledged the resources of the AI/R Group, six companies with a staff of over 5,000 AI specialists and software engineers and investing in programs with an initial focus on four key areas: 

  • Advanced Predictive Models: Developing AI-powered predictive models that can accurately forecast severe climate events, enabling proactive measures to protect human life and infrastructure.  
  • Infrastructure Resilience: Collaborating with engineers and experts to redesign and retrofit critical infrastructure such as bridges, roads, sanitary, water, and electricity systems to be more resilient to extreme weather conditions.  
  • Data-driven Insights: Leveraging vast amounts of data to gain actionable insights into climate patterns, vulnerabilities, and adaptation strategies.  
  • Global Collaboration: Fostering collaboration between industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers to drive innovation and implement scalable solutions worldwide.  

“AWS is committed to leveraging our cloud computing and AI capabilities to support AI/R’s global initiative,” said Cleber Morais, Managing Director, AWS Global Sales in Latin America. “By harnessing the power of AWS’s advanced technologies, we can accelerate the development of innovative solutions that address climate-related risks and enhance infrastructure resilience, ultimately creating a more sustainable future for communities worldwide.” 

Universities too are contributing to the collective effort.  

“At +praTi, we recognize the critical role of digital talent in addressing global challenges,” said Cristian Cavalheiro, President of the organization. “We are excited to contribute our connections with universities and IT companies in Brazil and collaborate to support AI/R’s efforts in developing innovative solutions that enhance resilience and mitigate risks to human life in the face of severe climate conditions. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and drive positive change for communities in Brazil and beyond.” 

AI/R’s initiative represents a significant step forward in addressing the complex challenges posed by climate change. By harnessing the power of AI, data, and collective expertise, the company aims to create a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come. 

For a full list of all the official organizations receiving donations to support people impacted by the flooding in Brazil, please visit 

About AI/R 

AI/R Group is an AI powerhouse comprised of six leading global brands: Compass UOL, Avenue Code, Invillia, Everymind, Webjump and Edgy. It employs over 5,400 people worldwide. AI/R Group designs and builds cutting-edge platforms using innovative technologies augmented by the power of Data, AI, and Gen AI to unlock client’s digital transformation potential. AI/R Group helps global enterprises innovate and thrive in their industries while nurturing the best talent, creating opportunities to improve people’s lives, and focusing on how AI can positively impact society. 

Fontes: Yahoo Finance

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